Our beginnings and achievements

Our team have participated in the development and design of a Pixel Detector for ATLAS apparatus at CERN as well as in the development of an application version of the detector called MediPix.

We have also participated in development, testing and assembling of pixel sensors and detection equipment for ATLAS apparatus at CERN. During the period spanning over more than 10 years our team has gathered all technical and technological knowledge essential for further development of the frontier ionizing radiation detection systems.

What's we're Working On Now?

Monolithic Detectors

Detectors for Soft X-ray Imaging

Monolithic Detector
  • Merges sensor and readout chips onto a single semiconductor die.
  • Removes the complexity and cost of the bonding process.
  • Very high resolution (less than 50 μm pixels) possible in a cost efficient way.
  • Only silicon as active sensing material.
  • Temperature operating range of -40 to 175 °C
  • Wafer thinning down to 50 μm → low material budget


Detector for Soft X-ray Imaging
Basic Spectrometric Capability

Monolithic Detector Spectrometric capabilities
  • Energy range 4–30 keV
  • 10 bit ADC range
  • Analog and digital output

SpacePix2 ASIC

Space dosimetry in LEO and MEO

Monolithic Detector Spectrometric capabilities
  • Pixel matrix 64 x 64 pixels, 60 μm pitc
  • Signal dynamic range Pixel amplifier 1 to 65 ke¯
  • Backside 0.25 to 30 Me¯
  • Digitization 10-bit fast ADC
  • Power consumption < 50 mW in continuous mo
  • Comm interface 50 MHz SPI, 500 MHz LV
  • Triggering Fast particle hit signal
  • Calibration Charge injection circuit

Hybrid detectors

Pixel Detectors

Pixel Detection Block
  • 256-channel pixel detection module.
  • 16 x 16 pixel sensor with 1mm pixel pitch.
  • Readout chip only 4mm² → high process yield.
  • Replaced bump-bonding with wire-bonding → remains entirely within the standard semiconductor manufacturing process chain.
  • Modules can be combined to a larger detector.


Silicon Portal Detector
for Dose-Guided Radiotherapy

PantherPix - Pixel Detector
  • 32cm x 32cm active detection area.
  • 20 x 20 pixel detection modules combined together.
  • USB3.0 readout system based upon Cypress FX3 (Powerful ARM with miniature “FGPA” integrated).
  • On PC registered as UVC device (think web cam) → Easy to write software for, no device driver!
  • Step motor control derived from reprap 3D printer (open source) → accepts standard G-code (set position, speed, acceleration and jerk).
  • Modules can be tilted → increase spatial resolution in X and Y via averaging and filter with high pass.
Radiotherapy - scan results
X-Ray image of lines/mm, 40kV
Radiotherapy - scan results
X-Ray image of lighter, 40kV
Radiotherapy - scan results
X-Ray image of matches, 40kV
Radiotherapy - scan results
Imaging with Cobalt-60

Hybrid detectors

Strip Detectors

Strip Detector hit Rate
  • High-resistivity Si sensor technology.
  • 16 channels & 32 channels sensors with sensitive area of 1cm × 2cm
  • 32 channels silicon detector readout ASICs for different applications.
  • Great radiation hardness of sensors & chips: response linearity in 8 orders of magnitude.
  • Compact strip detector modules with detection area from 1cm × 2cm up to 1cm × 4cm per detection module.
Strip Detector
Strip Detector